Hi there,
We are currently recruiting recreational trail runners and cross-country skiers to participate in a research project entitled, Enhancing Perceived Restorativeness and Nature Relatedness Among Green Exercisers: The Interactive Roles of Motivation and Mindfulness. The purpose of this letter is to describe this study and to ask if you would be willing to collaborate with us in the identification of potential participants.
What is this Project?
The purpose of this project is to investigate how motivation and awareness during trail running and cross-country skiing interact to predict mental health-related benefits of these activities. Kennedy Hamilton is a student in the Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology program at Lakehead University. This project represents the thesis that is required by that program.
What Does Taking Part in this Project Involve?
Participation in this project involves the completion of an online survey comprised of five questionnaires. The questionnaires ask participants about their background in trail running or cross-country skiing, experiences during these activities, motivation to do these activities, and their connection with nature. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. Here’s a link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XYY9ZL7
Who Are We Looking For?
We are looking to recruit individuals who are over the age of 16 years and who currently participate in recreational trail running or cross-country skiing.
How can you help?
We would greatly appreciate it if you could help us recruit recreational trail runners and cross-country skiers to take part in our study. This would involve distributing a promotional poster and sharing the online survey link. Both could be done through various formats (e.g., email, videoconferencing, or in-person). To facilitate the process, we’ve developed a script for you to use when promoting the study. This text could be easily copied into an email or read out loud.
Take note, we will not be able to tell you if any specific individual decided to participate in the study or provide you with results based on data from any specific individual. However, we would gladly provide you with a summary of the general results of the study and discuss those results with you.
The study has been approved by the School of Kinesiology’s Research Ethics Committee. If you have any questions related to the ethics of this research and would like to speak to someone outside of the research team, please contact the Chair of that committee: Dr. Paolo Sanzo (807-343-8647; paolo.sanzo@lakeheadu.ca).
Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to hearing back from you.
The Research Team
Kennedy Hamilton
Student Researcher
807 632-3626
Dr. John Gotwals
Faculty Supervisor
807 346-7952