Donation And Support Opportunities
Ferraro FOODs: Gift Cards
Bob McLean, a long time volunteer and dedicated supported of Black Jack’s Skier Development Program, invites everyone to support our young athletes through the Ferraro Foods Gift Card program. The Ferraro Foods Gift Card program provides critical funding to our Skier Development Program (SDP), which supports athletes from Bunnies, taking their first strides on snow, all the way to our senior racers who compete in World Cup races.
If you purchase a Ferraro’s gift card through us, Ferraro Foods will donate 7% of the value of the gift card to the Black Jack Skier Development Program. For example, if you purchase a card worth $200, then the SDP receives $14 while you redeem the gift card for its full value. It is a fantastic fundraiser for us.
We can accept your contributions in a variety of forms including direct deposit (probably easiest for both us and you), post-dated cheques (also great), e-transfer at, or cash. Our mailing address is Black Jack Skier Development Box 2182 Rossland BC V0G 1Y0.
Please call if you have any further questions at 250-362-9494 or 250-231-0029 or email
Thank you so much for your support of the Skier Development Program at Black Jack!
2025 Nordiq canada fundraiser
Black Jack has undertaken an ambitious fundraising campaign for two distinct projects:
A New Day Lodge and Tall Timber Trail Extension
Both projects are listed in the Black Jack Strategic plan (see the Black Jack website for 2021 Strategic Plan) and will have a profound and long term impact on the club's future.
Base Lodge.
The accessible base lodge will include a kiosk, rental area, waxing area, warming area, washrooms, kitchen, and storage. Thanks to last year's Nordic Club fundraiser and grants from Columbia Basin trust and Teck Trail operations, Phase 1 has been completed which includes the detailed Architectural drawings and engineering.
Our club is now fundraising for Phase 2, the Construction Phase.
With commitments and funding from multiple community and regional partners including the Columbia Basin Trust, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Areas A and B, and the Tourism Growth Fund (Pacifican) over $600,000 has been raised to date. Despite the strong support from large grants, in order to build a lodge with the capacity to meet the needs of our club, we need to fundraise over $900,000. We are hopeful that with another large grant, and continued community support through the Nordiq Canada Club fundraiser, we can meet our goal of showcasing the new lodge for the BC Winter Games in 2026.
Annual Club Fundraiser 2025 - Black Jack Ski Club is fundraising for Construction of new day lodge - Canadahelps
Tall Timbers Trail Extension.
We continue to fundraise to extend the Tall Timbers Trail across the Murphy Creek drainage expanding the network by an additional 2.5 km with an easy recreational classic ski trail. The new trail will traverse a number of Old Growth Management areas (including the 100 Acres Woods) and offer views of the Rossland Range, and the Columbia valley. Tall Timbers is already many people's favorite trail and this extension will be a great addition to our otherwise challenging trail system; this at an elevation that guarantees abundant snow and an extended ski season.
This new trail also provides access to the expanded club's tenure covering the area from South Murphy Creek to the base of Mount Crow at an elevation of around 1500 meters. The long term vision is to develop this area into a classic trail system.
Last year we raised about $7000. If we match last years amount during this current fundraising imitative, there will be sufficient funds in place to start connecting the 100 Acres Wood with the north side of Murphy Creek (in part using decommissioned logging roads) this summer. The actual crossing of Murphy Creek will then be completed as part of a second phase.
Annual Club Fundraiser 2025 - Black Jack Tall Timbers Trail extension - Canadahelps
Black Jack Ski Club LEGACY FUND
In 2015, a Black Jack Ski Club legacy fund was established. Initial donations were largely motivated by the recognition of Richie Mann's lifetime contribution to the Club and the passing of his wife Audrey. Follow the link for Richie and Audrey's story and the list of initial donors.
This Legacy Fund will exist in perpetuity, with part of the investment income earned going back to the club each year, and any remainder reinvested in the fund. The fund will grow over time, especially as people make donations or leave bequests in their wills. Click the button below to contribute online to this fund. Donations are tax deductible and the LeRoi Foundation will send you a tax receipt immediately.
To find out more about the LeRoi Foundation, check out and select “Black Jack Ski Club Legacy Fund” from the Fund dropdown options.
Black Jack Skier Development Program (SDP) would like to acknowledge the support of the Nordiq Canada Development Fund (NCDF) for their support of our successful 2023 Kaslo Camp.
Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, & Sports
National Winter Sports Development Association (NWSDA)
Volunteers built and maintain Black Jack Ski Club, and help our non-profit Club grow and develop. Consider helping continue the Club's excellence by contributing your time, skills, and knowledge. Or expand your horizons and try something different. Meet new people who share a love of the outdoors and contribute to a healthy and vibrant community.
There is a lot to do: trail work, coaching, social media and other communications, grant writing, fundraising, light facilities’ maintenance, helping with events and the old standby: baking cookies. New ideas are welcome and every contribution is deeply appreciated.
Interested in a Volunteer Position?
Have a skill to share? Let us know!
We are always looking for volunteers to contribute to the club. The commitment level is up to you - let us know if you want to help out for a few hours, or spearhead an event, or join our board.
We are currently seeking volunteer support in the following area:
Social Events: Coordinate social activities for all Black Jack Ski Club members. Whether you can take on the coordinator position for this important role or you have one particular event you would like to organize, we welcome your help. If desired, the Social Events Coordinator role can also include a position on the board.
Board Member: We have an opening! The position is up to you. We would welcome a Vice President or a Treasurer, as we currently have one volunteer holding both of these significant board roles. We also have members at large who take on specific responsibilities, and the Social Events Coordinator is an example of one possiblity for a member at large. If you have a specific skill you think would benefit the board, let us know.
Contact the Club at or 250-362-7164 to get involved. The more the merrier!