
Nelson Nordic Ski fundraiser

We are excited to host you at our Nelson Kootenay cup this weekend. You are invited to our Nelson Nordic Burger and Beverage fundraiser with your kids on Saturday Feb 23rd from 6-8pm.  We have arranged to have the Sprints and Skiathlon World championship races on the big screen during that time to watch world class athletes cross country ski race. 

The event is at Finley’s Bar and Grill – 705 Vernon St.

Tickets are only $15 and our club receives half the proceeds.  We’ll do a 50/50 draw too.

We hope you will come and support our club.  Tickets are available at our Apex kiosk during race day or at the door.


Louise Poole





Fundraising Concert - March 9

Consider attending Midwinter Music, an upcoming fundraiser in support of Black Jack's senior racer, Julien Locke, skiing at the national level. Entry is by donation. Come enjoy an evening of wine and appy's at this piano concert by Carolyn Cameron at the home of Kathy Moore and Dave Cornelius. See the details in the poster here. Feel free to let others know about this event!  Attendance is limited to 40 .



Tour de Soup - Saturday, February 2

Black Jack's junior and senior racers will host the popular Tour de Soup day at the trails this coming Saturday, Feb 2nd.  Soup will be available at all three cabins from noon to 2 pm.  Trail passes are free, but we ask that you sign a waiver and consider a donation to the racers at the trailhead or one of the cabins. There will be bake tables at the cabins if you want a little something else.

Thanks to Fuel, Idgie's, the Steam Shovel, Alpine Grind, Ronnie's Chinese restaurant and Mook Thai for their kind donations of soup.

In the interest of reducing waste, please bring a mug and spoon and come out and enjoy our beautiful trails and meet members of the team.

Bon appetit!



Adult Ski Skills Day - January 19

The club is holding a Ski Skills Day for adults on January 19. Three fantastic coaches: Lesley Beatson, Cheryl Ewings and Linda Allis. Food by Cahoots Kitchen. Information on pricing and registration coming soon. Limited to 20 participants.



Trail Closures during Kootenay Cup

Black Jack proudly hosts the Kootenay Cup on Saturday and Sunday, December 15th and 16th. 

The event will see Jeldness, Tims Trail, Fishers and Golden Loops closed to general use from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday and 8 to 11:30 a.m. on Sunday.

Gibbards will remain open on both days for access to other trails, and as always, Biathlon with beautiful Tall Timbers is a great alternative.


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Early 2018/19 Season Update!

From the grooming report:

Nov. 24, 2018 - Trail packing and initial early-season grooming is going on at the Biathlon venue.

WELCOME to the 2018-2019 Ski Season! The planned opening of the Kiosk is Saturday, Dec. 1st, 2018.

Hours will be 9am - 2pm. 

Trail fees still apply outside of kiosk hours.

Always check the grooming report for the most accurate and latest conditions and updates!

1 Comment


Nov 1st Early Bird Prize Winners

The results of our 2nd and last Early Bird Prize Draw are below. Congrats to our winners and thank you again to our amazing sponsors that supported our first and second draw!

Black Jack 2019/20 Seasons Pass- Kathy Moore

Red Mtn Resort 3 Day Local-Only pass- Brian Whiting

Mountain Nugget Chocolate Gift Certificate- Katharine Saether Pigott

Ski Lesson by Andy Morel- Robyn Laytham

Rossland Beer Company Growler & Glass- Reegan Leyland

See you at the Ski Swap Nov 3rd!



Oct 20th- Trail Maintenance Day

There is a large list of tasks we are hoping to get accomplished before snow flies! After a successful Oct 14th trail day, we will be having one more on Sunday Oct 20th. Meet at the Trail Head cabin at 8:30 am for muffins and coffee and will start work at 9 am.

If anyone has access to chimney flue cleaning equipment, please let Sharman know. Additional questions can be forwarded to Sharman as well at



2018/19 Bunnies & Jack Rabbit Program

Welcome to Andi Fancy, the new coordinator for the Bunnies and Jack Rabbits. Originally from New Zealand, Andi has a solid background in cross country skiing and program organization. She's already hard at work getting things going for this season. You can contact her at

Registration for the Bunny and Jackrabbit programs is open and the registration form can be found here. 
*all lesson participants must be members of Black Jack.
Visit the Skier Development website for descriptions of the programs and more 



Oct 31st is last chance for early bird rates and to get in on our last prize draw!

Oct 31st is the last day for the discounted season pass rate!

If you need help with online registration (Zone 4) or to take advantage of the discounted price, please email or phone 605-916-6261 before Oct 25th.  Otherwise, click here to register and see the 2018 rates.

All registrations are online with credit card only until the kiosk opens for the ski season at which time you may pay with cheque or cash onsite.

Passes will be available for pick up at the Ski Swap on Nov 3rd.  We will have a couple of computers on site to help with online registrations.

Then on Nov 1st, we will be doing our last prize draw for the early bird members. A huge thank you to our sponsors for the 2nd round of donations!

Black Jack Ski Club - 2019/20 Season Pass
Red Mountain Resort - an Adult 3-day Locals Only Card
Mountain Nugget Chocolates - $20 Gift Certificate
Andy Morel, CANSI instructor - Classic or Skate; beginner to advanced lesson
Rossland Beer Company - growler and beer glass



Black Jack Ski Swap- Nov 3rd

2018 Ski Swap
Come and support our Track Attack and Racing programs! See you at the Prestige on Saturday, November 3rd. Equipment drop-off from 8:30-10:30 and sales start at 11 a.m. There will also be ski waxing, program registration and a chance to pick up your season pass. For more information, contact Sue at 250-362-2116.

And like to check out what the other clubs are selling?? Castlegar and Nelson are also hosing their own swaps:

Nelson Nordic Cross Country- Sunday, Oct 28th
Nelson Rod & Gun Club- 801 Railway St
Gear drop off starts at 9 am, Sales start at 11 am

Castlegar Nordic Ski Club- Saturday, Nov. 17th
Castlegar & District Community Complex
Gear drop off starts at 9:00 a.m.,  Sales start at 10:00 am



Aug 31 2018 Early Bird Membership Winners

Congratulations to the following members who won the first early bird prize draw. Second and final draw be Oct 31st… be sure to register before then to take advantage of the discounted 2018/19 pricing and get your name in the draw!

1 Day ski with Big Red Cats- Roach Family

Alpine Grind $50 Gift Certificate- Natalia Ksiazek

1 month pass to Better Life Fitness- Marie Tremblay

Stainless Steel growler from Rossland Beer Co- Heather Glenn

Ski Lesson with Lesley Beatson-Vic Buehler



Late Season Update

The Kiosk is officially closed as of April 2, 2018.

Grooming will continue daily until the 15th of April and then will continue to be groomed by volunteers on an ad hoc basis after that as conditions permit. Trail fees still apply.  Please use the self-pay envelopes in the big red mailbox by the kiosk.

The condition report above will not be updated on a daily basis now that the kiosk is closed. Please refer to the GPS grooming map and other references such as BC Highway Cam for Strawberry Pass for Biathlon conditions and the Red Mountain website weather report or Environment Canada to estimate Trail Head conditions.

To arrange Rentals - please contact 250-231-9502



Black Jack Loppet Post Race Comments

My apologies to those who expected finish times but our club is trying to decrease our volunteer burn out and the board of directors felt that since this is meant to be a fun, participation event this would be an appropriate time to minimize our volunteers required.   

Most of our usual team of volunteers indicated that they would like to ski in the Loppet instead of being part of the timing team so we opted to put a clock at the finish line for participants to check at the end of their race.

Thank you for coming out to support our club event and we hope to see you again in the future.

Linda Merlo, organizing committee



Tour de Soup Saturday, February 3 12-2 pm

On February 3rd, Black Jack Skier Development will host the popular Tour de Soup day at the ski trails.  There will be soup available at all three cabins from noon to 2 pm.  Bring your own mug and spoon.  The six soups are generously provided by local restaurants.  There is no cost for a trail pass but we respectfully ask that you consider a donation to the skier development fund.  This fund helps pay for all the great programming for children and youth at the club from age 3-25.  We have over 100 people in the program and it gives them a sport for life and skills that translate to all areas of life.  There will be donation jars in each of the cabins and at the trail head.  The kids will also have bake tables at each of the cabins if you want a little something else other than soup.  

Come out and enjoy our beautiful trails and meet members of the team from young to senior (in ski race terms anyway!)



Third Early-Bird Draw Results

Already a record year for Black Jack membership with 753 signed up as of Dec 1, bringing Black Jack to a very close second in CCBC's Club Membership Contest.  Next year.

Thanks to the many prize donors for all of the Early Bird Draws making this membership drive such a success. Some have contributed many times to this contest.

And, the happy winners are.....

  • Black Jack membership for 2018-19: Mika Saban
  • $50 Alpine Grind gift certificate: Ophelia Mamon
  • $350 Gerick Sports gift certificate: Ian Wilson
  • Locals Ski Pass for Red Mountain: Jasmine Drolet
  • Mountain Nugget chocolates: Carolyn Quinlan
  • 2 B.C. Punch Passes: Finn Adamson
  • Pacific Coastal Airlines Gold Voucher for one return flight from Trail to Vancouver: Gordon Hill



Second Early-bird Draw results

November 17th Early Bird Draw Results
Prize Drawn Name
10 x Punch Pass - Better Life Fitness Jill Peacock
$100 Gift Certificate from Gerick's Sports Milene Coombes
Black Jack 5 Punch Pass Alexander Mountain
Skate Ski Lesson with Lesley Beatson Jennifer Ellis
Mountain Nugget Chocolates Iain Reid
