Teck Kootenay Cup and Al Fisher Loppet Trail Update

This weekend, Saturday March 8th and Sunday March 9th, we have the Teck Kootenay Cup and the 41st annual Al Fisher Lopper happening at Black Jack. We are expecting over 100 athletes at Black Jack over the weekend.

Parking will be very tight, and we expect big crowds around the stadium. We ask all members not participating to ski from the Biathlon trailhead this coming weekend.

Here's the details:

- Friday March 7 will be a training and set up day. Watch out for athletes if coming to Black Jack on Friday

- Saturday March 8th the lower trails and trailhead are CLOSED from 7 am to 5 pm. Evening skiing will be open.

- Sunday 26th: the lower trails and trailhead are CLOSED from 7 am to 3 pm.

-the lower dog loop is also closed this weekend

- The kiosk will remain open for rentals all days! There will be a reserved parking space for rental pick-up - just let the parking attendant know that's what you're here for. You can drive your rentals to the other trailheads. And to encourage people to pick up their rentals early, we are offering a special longer rental period -- 2 days for the price of one if you pick up on Friday!

- We are still looking for a few more volunteers - please check out this link and help out for a couple hours if you can! Anyone is welcome to help! https://volunteersignup.org/9WEXR

Tour De Soup and Ski For Free For Family Day

Tour De Soup and Ski For Free For Family Day

Make a donation to our Skier Development Program and ski on out to our cabins for delicious soup donated by local restaurants.

This year's event is in honour of Karen Trueman. An avid Black Jack Member and coach for Black Jack's Skier Development Program.

On top of it being Tour de Soup, trail fees are also free that day! So bring out the whole family to enjoy the Tour De Soup. It is usually one of the busiest days of the season so if you need rentals make sure to get here early.

NEW for this year's Tour de Soup is we are also including the cabin up at biathlon, so instead of the usual three cabins with soup we will have four cabins you can ski too. Mike Heximer who runs the Biathlon Program will also have the new Eco-Rifles for the public to try at the Range. If you have ever wanted to try Biathlon, this could be the day.

Hope to see everyone out there!



MARCH 8 - 9, 2025

Race Location: Black Jack Ski Club, main trailhead

Race Fees:

  • $5 per race for U6 Bunnies (no Day License required)

  • $15 per race for U8 to U12

  • $25 per race for U14 to U23, Seniors, Masters, Recreational, and Loppet categories

Credit card fees (2.4%) Zone 4 fees, and Nordiq Canada Tier 3 Event Day License ($3) are in addition to the race fees.


Click on distances to view course maps.

Sat Mar 8 Kootenay Cup Events: Classic, Interval Start

Sun Mar 9 Kootenay Cup Free: Free, Mass Start

Sun Mar 9 Al Fisher Black Jack Loppet Events: Mass Start, Skate or Classic

Confirmation List: availalable on Zone4

Trail Conditions: available on Nordic Pulse

Accommodations: Red Mountain Resort Lodging offered a 30% discount on accommodations with the code MARCHMADNESS2025.

Volunteers: volunteers are an essential part of the weekend. Thank you to all who helped out!

Email RaceSecretaryBJSC@gmail.com for more information

Trail Closure Update for the TECK Track Attack Championships

This weekend, Saturday January 25 and Sunday January 26, Black Jack is proudly hosting the 2025 Teck BC Track Attack Championships! We are expecting more than 170 athletes, ages 9 to 13 from across the province!

Parking will be very tight, and we expect big crowds around the stadium. We ask all members not participating to ski from the Biathlon or Little Rock trailheads this weekend.

Here's the details:

- Friday January 24 will be a training and set up day. Expect the stadium area to be closed in the afternoon for set-up, and young athletes on the trails through the afternoon and evening.

- Saturday January 25th the lower trails and trailhead are CLOSED from 7 am to 5 pm. Evening skiing is open, but access limited to Gibbards (and beyond) while the race course trails remain closed overnight.

- Sunday 26th: the lower trails and trailhead are CLOSED from 7 am to 3 pm.

-please note that lower trail closures includes includes the dog trails

- The kiosk will remain open for rentals all days! There will be a reserved parking space for rental pick-up - just let the parking attendant know that's what you're here for. You can drive your rentals to the other trailheads. And to encourage people to pick up their rentals early, we are offering a special longer rental period -- 2 days for the price of one if you pick up on Friday! The kiosk will be open late - until 4 pm - on Friday to get your rentals for the weekend.

- We are still looking for a few more volunteers - please check out this link and help out for a couple hours if you can! Anyone is welcome to help, not just families of participants: https://volunteersignup.org/LJYP4

Paint Night at the Rich Thorpe Cabin

Paint Night at the Rich Thorpe Cabin

Enjoy a fundraising evening of painting with local artist Sue Deane.

This event is sold out. Thank you for the support!

Learn to paint one of Sue’s paintings and help support the Black Jack Ski Team exchange with Yellowknife this spring! 60% of your fee will go towards the exchange!

When: Wednesday February 12th 6pm-9pm

Where: The Rich Thorpe (Trailhead) Cabin at Black Jack

Cost: $50.00 per person

Come as you are. All supplies will be provided. Wear something you don’t mind getting paint on. Bring your own drinks and snacks.

To reserve your spot email Sue at suedeane38@gmail.com and etransfer to the same email.

Lower Trails are Re-opened

The Lower Trails are re-opened! More than 50 trees and many more branches came down over the weekend. The crew of Isaac, Brad, Patrick and volunteers Steve and Dan have been out there since the early hours clearing and grooming. A big thank you to this team!

We're not through this tree stuff yet though... here's a few things to note:

- If you stop on a trail, look around before choosing a spot to stop. There are lots of trees still hung up on other trees and still some risk.

- There are no lights for night skiing until we can get a couple more trees removed. You are still welcome to night ski, but won't have the usual lights.

- Aquaduct, Ophirs, and Reservoir Trails remain closed. Hopefully the crew can get these ones cleared and back open on Tuesday. Hemlock and Mugwump/Spitzee remain closed as well. Remember to check Nordic Pulse for the most up to date trail closures and conditions.

Lower Trails closed until Monday December 16th

ALL LOWER TRAILS ARE CLOSED as of Thursday December 12.

Due to the ongoing risk of falling trees overladen with snow, the main trail network, including the Dog Loop, and the Little Rock Dog Loop will be closed starting Thursday December 12th. Closed trails have been cordoned off and signed.

The Kiosk is open for ticket sales and rentals, and the biathlon trail network is open and in fantastic condition. You can get your rentals and drive up to the Biathlon trailhead to use them.

The re-opening of the main trail network will be assessed over the weekend based on the expected new snow and the anticipation of more downed trees. This decision was made by the Black Jack Board of Directors in consultation with the Black Jack General Manager and was done for the safety for all trail users.

Please respect the closures. Updates on trail status will be posted via the newsletter, Nordic Pulse, and our social media platforms

Trail Update: Hemlock closed until further notice

We unfortunately have some bad news, Hemlock will be closed until further notice. Brad, Isaac and Rick were out clearing the fallen trees on hemlock yesterday. As they were working they became quite concerned about the number of trees leaning over the trail with the potential to fall at any time . In consultation with a Danger Tree Assessor we have decided to close Hemlock until further notice. The number of trees on the trail at risk of immanent failure is in the hundreds. It is unfortunately too unsafe to have people skiing on Hemlock. We will re-evaluate in the new year, but please respect the trail closures for your own safety. Thank you for your cooperation.

Full Moon Toonie Skis are Back!

Full Moon Toonie Skis are Back!

Full Moon Toonie skis are back for the 2023-25 season. Come out and ski for only $2 on the evening of the full moon.

For this season we have decided to move some of the Toonie skis to the closest weekend of a full moon to allow more of you to get out and enjoy the evening! The dates for this year are:

  • Saturday December 11th

  • Saturday January 11th

  • Wednesday February 12th

  • Friday March 14th

Hope to see everyone out there





Welcome to the 2024 Teck Regional Snow Camp (Kootenay) at Black Jack near Rossland!

We respectfully acknowledge that we live, work and play on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Sinixt, Sylix, and Ktunaxa First Nations. We honour all other Indigenous people who walked on and care for these lands before us and continue to do so.

We are excited to have Kootenay region athletes, coaches, volunteers, and families here at Black Jack for a great weekend building our skills, having fun and training! We have plenty of snow and activities are planned at both our Main Trailhead and Biathlon Trailhead.


Job Opportunity: Kiosk Attendant

Job Opportunity: Kiosk Attendant

Black Jack Ski Club is seeking a PART-TIME kiosk attendant for the 2024-2025 season.

The position averages 12-15 hours a week and is flexible as to both weekday, evening and weekend shifts.  Weekend and evening shifts will be required. Pay is $18/HR + you will receive a complimentary Black Jack Season’s Pass

The position is seasonal and runs from December 1st – March 31st snow conditions dependant.

Experience with the sport of cross-country skiing is a benefit but not essential. The position involves pass sales, ski rentals, snow shoveling and other trailhead tasks. Experience with customer service, a cheerful disposition, and ability for self- direction will be advantageous.

Please email a short letter of introduction and resume to Patrick at generalmanager@skiblackjack.ca  before November 18th.

Fall Work Party - CANCELLED

Fall Work Party - CANCELLED


Good news / bad news: we have snow / we have too much snow for the work party.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to Greg about volunteering. Our Work Party is unfortunately cancelled for 2024.

Winter is coming and there is work to be done. We are hosting our annual work party Sunday, Nov. 3rd. 

Meet at the garage by the main trailhead at 9 am, rain or shine. Stick around for an hour, two, or twenty. Refreshments to be provided. 

Tasks to be completed include:

  • Replace support posts for info board beside base kiosk

  • Splitting and stacking wood

  • Brushing + removing brush from trails edge

  • Fill ruts on trails

  • Cleaning Richard Thorpe Cabin

  • Walking trails, clearing missed rocks and pruning back the sides.

What to bring: Gloves, safety glasses, water and a snack. If you have a truck, chainsaw, brush saw, or favorite splitting axe, feel free to bring those along with all of the appropriate PPE too. 

If you plan to join us, kindly RSVP to Greg Kilroy info@skiblackjack.ca.

If you arrive late, see the whiteboard at the base lodge for on-site contact information.

A special thanks to LA Narayan and Eva Gifford who have generously taken on an annual fall initiative themselves, getting Torresan's and Johan's cabins prepped for the season. Torresan's and Johan's cabins are looking fantastic for the start of the season. Help was also provided this season by Aladar Reusz, who helped get the outside windows sparkling clean. 

Ski Swap 2024

Ski Swap 2024

Black Jack Annual Ski Swap - NOV 2, 2024

Black Jack ‘s Cross Country Ski Swap fundraiser hosted by the Skier Development Program will be held on Nov 2nd at the Main Trailhead Cabin (310 Campbell Road). 

Clean out your closets and bring all nordic gear that you are no longer using. There are a lot of people looking for used cross country ski gear.



  • Gear check-in:  9:00 am - 11:00 am

  • Sales: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (cash sales only)

  • Pick-up of unsold gear and cash out: 2:00 pm  


Cash only


Note that we are only able to accept cash sales, thank you.

There will also be a waxing fundraiser, BBQ, and samples of Deahlie Sportswear Club and Team apparel.

AGM: Nov 27, 2024 @ 7:00pm

AGM: Nov 27, 2024 @ 7:00pm

2024 AGM: JOIN in person or online

Black Jack Ski Club members are invited to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday November 27, 2024, at 7:00pm. Hear a summary of the activities from last season and a preview of what is to come.

Attend in person at Miners’ Hall, Lily May Room, 1765 Columbia Avenue. The Lily May room is upstairs. You can also join us remotely through Zoom, using the link below. Contact info@skiblackjack.ca with any questions or concerns.

Input from membership is welcome!

Click the button to join the AGM through Zoom, or use Meeting ID 833 8118 1068 with Passcode 282692. To join through your phone, call 1 778 907 2071. You will initially be in a waiting room and will join the Lily May participants shortly before 7pm.

  • Black Jack’s Constitution and Bylaws are posted on our Archive page.

  • Miniutes from the board meetings are also accessible from our Archive page.

  • Black Jack Ski Club is a society under the BC Societies Act. The board must have at least 3 and no more than 11 members (Part 5 of the Bylaws). Required positions on the board are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, with the remaining board members as Directors at Large.

  • All voting members in attendance at the AGM are entitled to vote for the board members.

For more information, email info@skiblackjack.ca

Black Jack Clothing -

Black Jack Clothing -

Black Jack has partnered with Daehlie for clothing: jackets, pants, gloves, and base layers. Available with Black Jack Ski Club and Black Jack Race Team branding.

Golden City Grind 2024

Golden City Grind 2024


This is a family fun run designed to build community spirit and fitness. Net proceeds are donated to the Black Jack Skier Development Group.

Thank you to all participants and volunteers for another successful Golden City Grind!


Registration on Zone4 closed at 6pm on September 7.

1K, 3K, 5K, and 10K



We have shirts for the 2024 Golden City Grind!

Deadline to order is Sat Aug 25.

Adult and youth sizes available.

Lesley Chisholm Photography

Lesley Chisholm Photography

View more of Lesley’s photos on Facebook and on Lesley’s webpage.

Job Opportunity: Nordic Coach

Job Opportunity: Nordic Coach

Job Opportunity: NOrdic COach

Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club (BJSC) is looking to welcome a motivated and energetic individual to fill the position of Nordic Club Coach. Black Jack has the good fortune of having George Grey as our Head Coach supporting our club and racing program on a part-time basis. We are looking for a Club Coach to support his work and In collaboration with other team members lead and / or oversee programming for Bunnies through to Junior Racers as aligned with Nordiq Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development model.

BJSC is a registered non-profit organization working to grow the sport of Nordic skiing since 1983. With a history of producing skiers at the International and National levels, we are looking to promote cross country skiing at all levels of the sport. We have over 50km of groomed trails for both skate and classic with a ski season from November to April. For the past several years, our club membership is approx. 1000 strong.

BJSC offers athlete development programs for ages 3 to adult, including Bunnies, Jack Rabbits, Track Attack, Junior Racers, School Outreach, Adult Ski series, Community lessons, Private / Group lessons, and a Race Team. BJSC has a dedicated and skilled set of volunteer coaches who are committed to working with a club coach to deliver high quality, fun programming. The BJSC Board is an avid and responsive supporter of our Skier Development program and actively collaborates on initiatives to enhance the sport of Nordic skiing for all members of our community.

Reports To: Head Coach & Director of Skier Development Program

Closing Date: May 28th, 2024 at 8:00PM PST

Start Date and Position FTE: negotiable


Email sdp@skiblackjack.ca

We thank all applicants in advance. Only those considered for an interview will be contacted.



Congratulations to Participants and Thank You to Volunteers

What a fantastic day for the 40th edition of the Loppet at Black Jack and the first edition of the Black Jack Al Fisher Loppet. It was great to see so many skiers from across the region at the event. We especially enjoyed the support and cheers from friends and family as skiers came through the finish line.

We hope everyone enjoyed the day and the beautiful conditions. We would like to express our gratitude to the amazing crew of volunteers and our superb grooming team who helped make the event a success. Well done!

Black Jack’s Loppet is named in honour of Al Fisher.

We are immensely grateful for the contributions Al made to the Black Jack Ski Club and for his enthusiastic support of the Skier Development Program. The UBC Sports Hall of Fame describes some of the major impacts Al made on the sport of skiing.

40th Anniversary

In addition to being renamed in Al’s honour, the 2024 edition of the Black Jack Loppet marks the 40th anniversary of the Loppet at Black Jack. Ken Holmes, organizer of the first two Loppets at Black Jack, has written a fascinating historical note about the first ever Loppet at Black Jack, held on Feb 16, 1985. You can read Ken’s note here.

  • Registration deadline is extended to 6pm on Friday March 8. Registration must be completed online through Zone4. No registratrion on the day of the event.

  • Not sure if you registered? Check the confirmation list here. Contact RaceSecretaryBJSC@gmail.com if updates are needed.

Bib pick up: Sat Mar 9 from 9:00AM-10:00AM in the grooming shed.

Start Times ON SAT MAR 9

  • 10:00AM - Bunnnies (150m)

  • 10:05AM - 1km

  • 10:10AM - 3km

  • 10:15AM - 6km (two loops of the 3km course)

  • 10:30AM - 10km, 20km, and 30km (loops of the 10km course)

Waves are self-seeded, mass start, according to the above schedule. Be in the upper stadium and ready to go for your scheduled start time.


  • Bunnies: $5

  • 18 and younger: $12

  • 19 and over: $18

*The Zone4 registration fee ($2), credit card processing fees (2.5%) and a Nordiq Canada Day Fee ($3) are charged in addition to the race fee. The Nordiq Canada Day Fee is a new requirement for all cross country ski events in Canada. Bunnies are not charged the Nordiq Canada fee for this event.


Loppets are participation events. Skiers of all ages and abilities are welcome and costumes are encouraged. Times will be posted online after the event, but our focus is on fun! All finishers receive a Mountain Nugget chocolate medal.


The success of a Loppet is dependent on help from the community and membership. There are many ways to support the event, from directing parking, to setting up the stadium, to collecting bibs, to providing baking, and much more. We are trying an online signup sheet this year. Click here to check out the options for volunteering and how to get help if you would like more information. Note that there are some roles that will allow you to volunteer AND ski at the loppet!

Course Maps

Adult Ski Training


Adult Ski Training

UPDATE: JAN 4, 2024

We are at capacity! We are thrilled by the enthusiastic response to the Adult Ski Training Program. We have now closed the registration for this program for the season.

Skiers looking for instruction are welcome to connect with the coaches listed on the Lessons page of skiblackjack.ca.

Adult Ski Training 2024: SKATE AND CLASSIC

Improve your cross country skiing foundations and fitness so that you can be faster and more efficient on the trails this season! The training includes a weekly evening coached session on the trails at Black Jack Ski Club for instruction on technique and form. Also included is a ski program to guide independent scheduling of additional ski training each week. The program is designed to help achieve personal bests in endurance and speed, culminating in the ability to ski back-to-back long distance loppets in classic and skate technique by the end of the 2023/24 ski season.

Evening coached sessions are led by certified coaches and by athletes who have previously skied for Canada's National team. The ski program is written by Dave Wood, who led Canada's National Cross Country team to multiple Olympic gold medals. Learn from the best!


Thursday Evening Coaching

The coached sessions are Thursday evenings at the main Black Jack trailhead. These group sessions begin at 5pm and last approximately one hour. The full coaching schedule spans 13 Thursdays, from Jan 4 through to Mar 28.

The technique at the coached sessions will alternate between a night of classic and a night of skate skiing. The technique will be communicated to participants at the start of each week.

13-Week Program

The program from Dave Wood includes skate and classic training, leading participants to feel confident to complete their choice of a 40km or 21km goal distance, in skate and classic, by the end of March.

The training program begins at the end of December and runs through to the end of March. Designed with flexibility for individual schedules and goals, the program is built around participants ideally skiing four times per week, with two shorter skis during the week (including the Thu evening coached session) and two longer endurance skis on the weekend.

Coordination will be provided for program participants to meet for one longer ski each week, typically on a Sat or Sun. This session is not coached, but the camaraderie of the group can improve motivation and enjoyent, especially for the longer distance training. Weekend skis may occur at the main Black Jack trailhead, at the biathlon trailhead, and at Castlegar Nordic (Paulson).


  1. Full Training. The full training includes both the Thursday Evening Coaching and the 13-Week Program. This option is designed for individuals who are looking to improve their skiing form, speed, and fitness, and who want to connect with other skiers with similar goals. Loppet participation is encouraged but not required. Participants registering for the full training program should have skate and classic equipment.

  2. Five Sessions. For skiers who prefer to focus on the coached sessions and are unable to join the full 13-week training, there is an option to join five of the coached evening sessions. Participants registering for the five coached sessions can join any five of the Thursday evening sessions between Jan 4 and Mar 28. If desired, participants in this option can choose to only attend skate evenings or only attend classic evenings.



The program targets three loppets:

  • Castlegar Nordic's Troll Loppet (Jan 28)

  • Black Jack's Loppet (Mar 9)

  • Sovereign2SilverStar (Apr 6 & 7).

There is no requirement to participate in these events, but participants in the Adult Ski Training are encouraged to consider entering and/or volunteering at these fun ski races.



13-week program with Thursday evening coached sessions

  • $160 for Black Jack Ski Club members

  • $260 for non-members

5 Thursday evening coached sessions

  • $100 for Black Jack Ski Club members

  • $140 for non-members

(Non-member pricing includes trail tickets for evening skiing)

Fees do not include the Zone4 processing fee ($1.50), GST (5%), and credit card processing fees.