

JANUARY 20 & 21, 2024

Race Location: Black Jack Ski Club, main trailhead

Race Fees:

  • $5 per race for U6

  • $15 per race for U8 to U12

  • $25 per race for U14 to U23, Seniors, Masters, and Recreational categories

GST (5%), credit card fees (2.5%) Zone 4 fees, and Nordiq Canada Tier 3 Event Day License ($3) are in addition to the race fees.

Confirmation List: available here and on Zone4

Start Times and Results: on Zone 4 when available

Accommodations: Nowhere Special Hostel has a discount for Kootenay Cup participants. Contact jane.patterson@redresort.com for details. 

Course Maps: tentative, will be confirmed when Race Notice is available

Email RaceSecretaryBJSC@gmail.com for more information


AGM: Dec 4, 2023 @ 6:30pm


AGM: Dec 4, 2023 @ 6:30pm

Dec 4 AGM: JOIN in person or online

All Black Jack Ski Club members are invited to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday December 4, 2023, at 6:30pm. Hear a summary of the exciting events from last season and a preview of what is to come.

Attend in person at Miners’ Hall, Lily May Room, 1765 Columbia Avenue or join us remotely through Zoom, using the link below. Contact info@skiblackjack.ca with any questions or concerns.

Input from membership is welcome and encouraged. Members aged 16 and older will be asked to vote on the following.


That the Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club Society amend Bylaw 5.5 to read Directors are elected for a term of one year. 


The current bylaw requires directors to leave the board after eight years. The new bylaw permits directors to continue their volunteer work on the board if they are re-elected by a majority of the voting membership.

Current bylaw:

Directors are elected for a term of one year. No director shall hold office for more than eight (8) consecutive years.

  • The full Black Jack Constitution and Bylaws are posted on our Archive page.

  • Miniutes from the board meetings are also accessible from our Archive page.

  • Black Jack Ski Club is a society under the BC Societies Act. The board must have at least 3 and no more than 11 members (Part 5 of the Bylaws). Required positions on the board are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, with the remaining board members as Directors at Large.

  • All voting members in attendance at the AGM are entitled to vote for the board members.


BC Winter Games Zone 1 Trials

BC Winter Games Zone 1 Trials

Winter Games Trials

Black Jack congratulates the racers who participated in the Zone 1 trials for the upcoming BC Winter Games. The event happened on Saturday December 30, 2023. The trials determine the cross country ski athletes (YOB 2009 and 2010) who will represent Zone 1 at the BC Winter Games, held in Quesnel, on Lhtako Dene Traditional Territory, February 22 – 25, 2024.


Official results are available on Zone4.



The event was hosted at Black Jack’s biathlon trails on Hwy 3B. From the interesection of Hwy 22 and Hwy 3B in Rossland, head north on highway 3B for 12km. Parking lot and trails are on the right side of the highway.

Course Maps

Click links below to view updated course maps for the change of venue to the biathlon trailhead.


  • Available from Zone4

  • The start list is also posted outside the Race Timing Hut.



Nowhere Special hostel at Red Mountain is offering a discount for participants. Contact jane.patterson@redresort.com for details. 

Club & Team Clothing

Club & Team Clothing

Podium Jacket


Orders for Club & Teamwear Jackets and Pants, plus base layers, gloves, drink belts, and headwear may be possible, depending on stock.

Questions? Email Alex at VallicanHP@gmail.com

Dæhlie Down Podium Jackets

Down jackets by Daehlie are still available! Details here.

Your choice of custom ‘Black Jack Ski Team’ or ‘Black Jack Ski Club’ patches.

Sizing includes juniors, women, and men.

Email Julia for more details and to place your order: landry.julia@gmail.com.

Challenge 2.0 Jacket

Golden City Grind 2023

Golden City Grind 2023

Thanks to all the participants and volunteers at the 2023 Golden City Grind!


Click the links below to view the results. Event was held September 10, 2023.

Lesley Chisholm Photography

Lesley Chisholm Photography

The fantastic photos of the event on this page are from Lesley Chisholm Photography. Thanks Lesley!

View more of Lesley’s photos on Facebook and on Lesley’s webpage.


Join our Fall Trail Crew!

Black Jack Employment Opportunities

Thanks to the Columbia Basin Trust Job Experience Grant, Black Jack is again hiring a Trail Maintenance Crew for this fall. We are continuing to fine tune and maintain our extensive trail network and cabins and buildings need repairs too.

We are hiring one Team Lead and one Crew Members for 9 weeks from late August through the end of October. 

Applicants can send their resume and a short cover letter to trails@skiblackjack.ca

Job descriptions:

Trail Crew Team Lead

Trail Crew Member

Brushing trails is just one part of the job!


That's all folks!


That's all folks!

Last day of grooming at Biathlon was Sunday May 7th. What a great season it's been! We've been skiing since November 5th and stretching it out well into the spring.

Trails are officially closed and no longer maintained - you are welcome to keep going, but ski at your own discretion and risk.

Thank you to all the incredible volunteers who made this season run so smoothly - from the groomers, to the board, to the event organizers, to the coaches, to all the volunteers who helped out where they could. You make our club a fantastic place to ski!

For those who are curious -- our season was 3 days longer than last year. In 2021-2022, we skied from November 10th to May 9th.


Seeking Full-Time Nordic Coach


Seeking Full-Time Nordic Coach

We are looking to welcome a motivated and energetic individual to fill the full-time position of Nordic Coach.

In collaboration with other team members the Coach will lead and / or oversee programming for all levels of the program as aligned with Nordiq Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development model.

Please help spread the word and check out the full position description at this link.

Questions? Contact sdp@skiblackjack.ca. Application deadline is April 28th, 2023.


March Quad Fundraiser with CCBC and Nordiq Canada


March Quad Fundraiser with CCBC and Nordiq Canada

We are fundraising for a Quad! Please consider donating and helping us get this essential tool for trail maintenance.

Once a year we get a chance to give our generous donors a tax receipt and receive some matching funds through a partnership with Nordiq Canada and Cross Country BC. Now is your chance to donate until March 28st!

This year we're fundraising for a quad. A quad is an essential tool for the Black Jack volunteers and employees to maintain our extensive trail system. Over the years we have relied on generous members who loaned theirs. This is not a sustainable solution going forward.

We use a quad to pull the club's brush mower (pictured). It is also extensively used to move people and equipment while doing trail maintenance. It is key to effectively utilize the fall trail maintenance crew we have hired the last years with the financial support from the Columbia Basin Trust.

Are you able to help us out? Follow this link to our fundraising page to make a donation.

Thank you!


March 11: Black Jack Loppet


March 11: Black Jack Loppet

Wednesday March 15th Update: We have some awesome photos from Valhalla Images! Check out the gallery at this link. Loppet participants can download 2 free photos each, using the code 1234567.


Sunday March 12th Update: Results are now posted here. Thanks everyone for a great event!


Friday March 10th Update: Start Lists with bibs and start times are now posted! Have fun out there!


Saturday March 11 join us for the Black Jack Loppet! All ages and skills welcome - we're focusing on participation and fun! Costumes are welcome!

Bib pick up will be from 9:00-10:00AM in the grooming shed. Races start at 10:00AM.

Check out the race notice at this link for all the details and maps.

New this year! We are hosting a Volunteer Appreciation party after the loppet from noon to 2 pm. Dress in your favourite Retro clothing! Catering, prizes, and more! Volunteers from this season will have their entry covered — if you are a volunteer and haven’t received an email with the code, contact Adele. Everyone else is welcome too — there is an option in your registration to buy a party ticket for $5.

When you are ready, head over to Zone 4 through this link to get registered. Registration closes Friday at noon — there are no race day registrations.


Teck Kootenay Cup - Results & Media Release


Teck Kootenay Cup - Results & Media Release

Despite the less than perfect weather conditions, Black Jack Ski Club hosted a successful Teck Kootenay Cup 1&2 on Jan 14th and 15th. Thanks to an abundant snowfall early season and the tremendous effort of our groomer, the racecourses were in excellent condition for the event. Black Jack welcomed 147 participants to the event from clubs from all over the Kootenay region including Black Jack (Rossland), Nelson, Kimberley, Fernie, Golden, Toby Creek (Invermere), and Grand Forks. It was very exciting to see a team from Montana participate as well.

Thank you to an incredible crew of volunteers, sponsors, coaches, skiers, and supportive families for making this weekend possible!


Membership Prize Contest - Enter by January 9th!


Membership Prize Contest - Enter by January 9th!

In recognition of our membership drive for 2022/23, Cross Country BC awarded Black Jack Ski Club a prize of two nights stay at The Pinnacles Suites at Silver Star Mountain, valued at up to $958. 


Interested in this prize? We will randomly award the prize to a Black Jack Ski Club member who enters their name using the online form. Every member counted to win the CCBC contest, so every Black Jack Ski Club member is eligible to enter their name for the prize.


You can check availability at The Pinnacles Suites at Silver Star Mountain to see if your schedule lines up with their options. We want to ensure this prize goes to a BJSC member who can use it, so don't enter the draw if you don't think you can use it. 


Entry closes Monday January 9th, 2023 at midnight.  Winner will be contacted via email.


Enter the contest by filling out the google form at this link.


Note: prize cannot be used on long weekends and is subject to availability. Expires April 10, 2023. Must be used for two nights. Cannot be used in combination with other promotions and has no cash value.


Names entered will be checked within our Black Jack Membership list for 2022/23 before the prize is awarded.


Since all members contributed to our winning the CCBC contest, all Black Jack Ski Club members are eligible to enter the draw. Whether you are one or eighty-one, ski a few times a month or every day, work for the club as a volunteer or paid employee, you are invited to enter your name. As long as you will be able to use the prize, you are invited to enter the draw.


Kootenay Cup -  January 14 & 15, 2023


Kootenay Cup - January 14 & 15, 2023

Black Jack is hosting a Kootenay Cup race on January 14 & 15, 2023. 

Check out the race notice at this link for all the details. 

Register on Zone 4: https://zone4.ca/event/2023/EAFA86DE/

The Josie Hotel and Nowhere Special hostel have accommodations specials for Kootenay Cup participants. 

We are also looking for volunteers — contact Adele at adelepratt@hotmail.com if you can help out!

Photo thanks to Valhalla Images.

Course Maps:

1 km Course

2.5 km Classic

3 km Course

5 km Classic

5 km Skate


Make Your Voice Heard: Rossland Recreation Master plan feedback


Make Your Voice Heard: Rossland Recreation Master plan feedback

The first draft of the City of Rossland Recreation Master plan is now available to view here. The Black Jack board is pleased to see the emphasis on the value of trails, including our network, and overall alignment with our 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. The Recreation plan prioritises improved trailhead amenities and trails, but we are concerned that the opportunity to integrate these improvements with Black Jack Ski Club are not front of mind.


We encourage you to complete the feedback survey before the closing date of December 14. 

For Section 7/8 (Outdoor Facility Priorities), Section 9/10 (Top 10 Priorities) and Section 13 (Final Thoughts), we suggest the following actions:

  • Strongly agree with the priority to “Support a thriving trails network”

  • Comment on why you agree, including reference to:

    • Support for the development of Black Jack Ski Club’s trailhead facilities and their year-round potential

    • Development of beginner / accessible skis trails, with potential for year-round use as granular (gravel) xc walking / hiking / biking trails

    • Access between Black Jack and Red Mountain

Extended comments on the draft plan:

  • We are pleased to see the call to support a thriving trail network, including trails in surrounding areas (pg. 65). We encourage the City to plan for year-round use (as identified by council - pg. 41) by designing trails that serve as beginner / accessible skis trails, with potential for year-round use as granular (gravel) xc walking / hiking / biking trails. New trails could improve the connection between BJSC and Red Mountain, or increase the recreation potential around the Ophir Reservoir. 

  • We strongly agree with the importance of developing adequate trailhead facilities to support our outstanding trail networks. Louis Joe, Railgrade, and Old Wagon Rd are listed as potential priority trailheads (pg. 140). We have recently initiated a major infrastructure initiative for the Black Jack main trailhead, including the design and development of a new lodge. We hope the City of Rossland can partner with us to realise this project. Already this trailhead is a year-round destination, with ever-increasing visits to Thin Air Disc Golf. Following the addition of Mxiɬp Xewílh and the revamping of the Aqueduct and Adventure trails, the potential for this area as a recreation hub is only growing.

  • Regional collaboration is identified as an opportunity (pg. 18) and supporting collaboration between trails groups is recommended (pg. 65). BJSC would like to emphasise the growing need for regional coordination as trail networks and user groups grow, and call upon the City of Rossland to take a leadership role in this realm.

  • Strengthening partnerships with community groups is listed as a top 10 priority (pg. 83, 96). BJSC would welcome training and support for Black Jack’s volunteers to improve our fundraising and long-term planning capacity.

  • The importance of BJSC as a core recreation asset is made clear by the usage figures (pg. 120): Just under 50% of respondents visit BJSC weekly, and roughly 25% visit 3+ times per week. Our membership numbers are approaching 1000 for the third straight year, reflecting the rise in flexible, unstructured activities noted more broadly in the trends analysis (pg. 115).

  • We would like to applaud the beginner ski programming coordinated by the City in partnership with BJSC. These classes have received excellent community uptake. We would like to see these programs continue alongside potential new programming (pg. 80).

  • Less than 10% of residents responded to the survey (pg. 14). Given the importance of recreation to our city, we’d like to see greater participation in this important planning project.


Help us win the CCBC Membership Contest!


Help us win the CCBC Membership Contest!

Last Place to First!! Black Jack Moves Up in Cross Country BC Membership Contest – Contest Closes Midnight Dec 1st


Get your pass and help Black Jack win! 

Bonus incentive:  Two lucky 2022/23 Black Jack passholders, as of midnight December 1st, will win a $50 Rossland Outdoor Gift Certificate!


It’s a classic underdog story! Just after going live with 2022/23 online season pass sales, a technology vendor's system update took down our system. Black Jack quickly fell into last place in the Cross Country BC Membership Contest.

Once things were resolved and the early bird pass deadline extended, Black Jack members were energized! In a move that surprised CCBC and all other Group C Clubs (500-1000 members), we quickly climbed the ranks. Things got exciting when we were in second. But now ... BLACK JACK IS IN FIRST PLACE! The deadline is midnight Dec. 1st.

Let's hang onto this lead and finish in first place! No doubt all other Group C Clubs are pulling out the stops. Please buy your pass before December 1st and talk to friends contemplating a pass this season. If Black Jack wins, this will be our first Membership Contest win but more importantly, it shows more and more people are joining the Black Jack community to enjoy winter and our beautiful trail system and facilities.

  • Golden Age skiers (75+) and children 5 and under get a free membership, so their registration price is juts the $1.50 Zone 4 fee, plus the CCBC/NC membership fee of $19. (Note: the CCBC/NC fee does not apply for skiers already registered with other clubs or other programs, such as Bunnies and Jack Rabbits,)

  • Did you purchase an early bird Individual membership and wish you had a Family membership? Connect with “info at skiblackjack.ca” before Dec 01 to upgrade to a Family membership at our early bird rate.

Click here to access our registration page on Zone 4.
